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¿Con cuál civilización juegas mejor TR40?

2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty12%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 12% [ 7 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty2%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 2% [ 1 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty5%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 5% [ 3 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty15%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 15% [ 9 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty20%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 20% [ 12 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty13%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 13% [ 8 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty13%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 13% [ 8 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty5%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 5% [ 3 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty3%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 3% [ 2 ]
2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty12%2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 12% [ 7 ]

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Elite General Zapata
9 participantes

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por Elite General Zapata Vie 06 Ene 2012, 3:23 am

Quien dice que no se puede parar el box Sioux???...XD, solo miren la

Apocalypto Otomanos :turcos:

Kurosaki :britanicos:


Ninja :siox:

Don :portugueses:

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Elite General Zapata
Elite General Zapata

Mensajes : 199
Puntos : 288
Reputación : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 02/12/2010
Edad : 42
Localización : Costa Rica

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por hayabusa_ryu Vie 06 Ene 2012, 3:52 am

Zapata, Don was not a good player, that's why you won. He never supported me with his ports mortars or your game was over. BTW it's a good game and now you're learning how to stop dog box. And next time keep trying to stop my box. Very Happy

Mensajes : 37
Puntos : 45
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por kurosaki Vie 06 Ene 2012, 5:09 am

ajajaja claro ese box fue historia xD y mi eco era ultra op XD y subia cada vez q me acordaba de mis vaquitas xD


Mensajes : 116
Puntos : 125
Reputación : -3
Fecha de inscripción : 04/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por kurosaki Vie 06 Ene 2012, 5:12 am

even with these mortars uviermoa Gando resources we had much more Homeownership teniams map which is very inportant was a good game but I insist that against the Sioux is boring because it is not facing a battle



Mensajes : 116
Puntos : 125
Reputación : -3
Fecha de inscripción : 04/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por hayabusa_ryu Vie 06 Ene 2012, 5:33 am

And box failed mainly because of the lagg and due to lagg i many times brought wakinas to counter hussars and like so. Very Happy

Mensajes : 37
Puntos : 45
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por Madara Vie 06 Ene 2012, 5:51 pm

los sioux tienen un ejercito muy fuerte fue una pelea muy entretenida, gracias a ustedes e aprendido mucho mas sobre este juego solo es falta de practica jeje Very Happy .

Mensajes : 20
Puntos : 26
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 26/12/2011
Edad : 34
Localización : Colombia-Bogotá

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por kurosaki Sáb 07 Ene 2012, 7:06 pm

LAG? XD the error box for the many dragons that had waiting : D


Mensajes : 116
Puntos : 125
Reputación : -3
Fecha de inscripción : 04/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por Radamantis__ Sáb 07 Ene 2012, 7:34 pm

voy a seguir diciendo que siox es muy malo para este tipo de juegos donde el nivel es muy parejo. siox seria bueno usarlo en un 3x3 o 4x4... ese tipo de civilizaciones perjudica siempre al compañero... en un 3x3 o 4x4 donde todos pueden enviarte recursos y varios pueden hacer muros estaria bueno... la civi mas decente del twc es aztecas...

Mensajes : 232
Puntos : 335
Reputación : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 01/10/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por EliteJose Sáb 07 Ene 2012, 8:59 pm

estoy de acuerdo 21

Mensajes : 280
Puntos : 365
Reputación : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 12/06/2011
Edad : 30
Localización : Costa Rica

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por mau5 Sáb 07 Ene 2012, 11:16 pm

Gonna watch as soon as i get my pc,

Mensajes : 71
Puntos : 114
Reputación : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por hayabusa_ryu Dom 08 Ene 2012, 4:29 am

First to Kudosaki, If u have seen the box attack, u will find that my box was idle for 2-3 seconds after each shots. Box needs to go in fast. Yeah U had too many anti-cavalry but the box was not that bad to at least not to destroy one of your TC.

Second, We lost the game because of my average partner. He didn't know what to do. In the whole game, I was just typing and telling him to do this and that. Moreover, He doesn't know how to support a Sioux.

Third, to Matias, Yes Sioux in 3vs3 is good because Sioux partners have to do less works. But Sioux is also good in 2vs2 if you have a very good partner who can do multitasking very well and know when to support Sioux like Terrorista, SC_ or mau. I've seen players like whiteirishking playing Sioux in 2vs2 or 1vs1 too. Last time Matias when you used your Sioux with me, even your deck was not correct.

With proper support, Sioux can kick ass of many civilizations. If Sioux is a bad civ then this game with a mediocre partner ( ]i[Don is rush player, not treaty ) would not have lasted 2hrs+. BTW Aztec & Sioux is a good combo. I'll continue using Sioux till I have partners like mau. The only problem with Sioux is that they need SUPPORT of artillery and walls.

Mensajes : 37
Puntos : 45
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por EliteJose Lun 09 Ene 2012, 12:59 am

i saw the rec and i didnt like dons and hayabusa´s game. Don started really bad and didnt help with map control, but hayabusa´s box was a disaster. Moving the box arround weakened the soldiers, and when he finally tried to get in they had half the health. The box needs to advance from the very first try, ideally from a side of the city, not through the middle of the army. Thats from what i see (i dont like making boxes). I also see normally siuox players double ther kills or so, and hayabusa was far from that, so i think he could do better, so could Don specially at the beginning. Kurosaki could also attack with more strength instead of walling the map. 3600 point are for attacking, not defending.

Mensajes : 280
Puntos : 365
Reputación : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 12/06/2011
Edad : 30
Localización : Costa Rica

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por kurosaki Lun 09 Ene 2012, 2:53 am

Of course my dragons are also inactive 1 or 2 seconds you could not do anything with the box was inposible SiOx enter into good game but gets boring long battle of echo scores could look to be fighting for hours you did nothing but raise horses and group and attack and I think that's very boring for the same Sioux is more massive games and you made ​​a mistake in use with high level opponents Smile


Mensajes : 116
Puntos : 125
Reputación : -3
Fecha de inscripción : 04/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por kurosaki Lun 09 Ene 2012, 2:55 am

jose estoy deacuerdo con tigo me falto fuerta al comienzo luego le dije a zapata q yo atacaria y el defenderia y luego pude abrir una brecha en la ciudad y luego entramos junto ocn zapata xD


Mensajes : 116
Puntos : 125
Reputación : -3
Fecha de inscripción : 04/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por hayabusa_ryu Lun 09 Ene 2012, 3:45 am

I was not expecting this game to last more than 10 mins when Don told me that he has played treaty for last 6 months. I knew that we are going to loose thats why you can see that i didn't scout for wall or I would have entered from Kurosaki side. And Jose, if I entered from Side part of the map they could have easily blocked my box way. I can also double or triple my kill ratio just fighting at one place but I had to defend too. It's true that I'm still learning, my best has yet to come.
If it was that easy why u guys were doubling against me. I'm just waiting for mau to return. And where was your level when I and mau defeated continuous 6 in a row with sioux and aztec against you and wilmer? Just play with sioux u will know how difficult it is to manage. And guys, this game is not even up to level when u have one avg partner. It was like 1good+1avg vs 2 good players.

Mensajes : 37
Puntos : 45
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por Kamikaze_Terrorista Lun 09 Ene 2012, 5:12 am


ok, first:
sioux + port is a prety good combo.... but the port must have an excelent map control and helps everytime with mortars.

second: sioux is a hard civ, even in team games and having a good suport, sioux economy drain very fast, and your team must be at least in the same level of the oponents. In high level players, sioux box doesnt works.

third: its a very fun civ What a Face

ps: maybe we can play as partners, someday

Mensajes : 188
Puntos : 249
Reputación : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 14/06/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por EliteJose Lun 09 Ene 2012, 12:01 pm

Ok, first i remeber Don to be playing here at least one year ago, but you are right, his game was really average, and didnt support well, and second:
"And where was your level when I and mau defeated continuous 6 in a row with sioux and aztec against you and wilmer?"
Does that go for me? I just know i have months of not playing AOE, and i have never played vs you as sioux or mau as aztec... but anyway its good you are learning and i know its really difficult to master those TWC civs (thats why i dont use them 21).

Mensajes : 280
Puntos : 365
Reputación : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 12/06/2011
Edad : 30
Localización : Costa Rica

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por mau5 Lun 09 Ene 2012, 12:15 pm

Haha you already did play as partners against me and martin more than a month ago.

Mensajes : 71
Puntos : 114
Reputación : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por hayabusa_ryu Lun 09 Ene 2012, 1:02 pm

im not saying that to you, jose. I asked from kudosaki. And mau when are you coming back to play? come fast

Mensajes : 37
Puntos : 45
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por mau5 Mar 10 Ene 2012, 12:18 am

I had problems with my videocard, i dont know of it is fixable at all

Mensajes : 71
Puntos : 114
Reputación : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por kurosaki Vie 13 Ene 2012, 3:33 am

T_T I insist not entered in any way was not to enter any town left shoe even more soldiers to defend all my dragons but there was no way you came while having a better ally:) section was clear is very boring and you have not porq was very high isiseron porq just two esprabamos BOX which is not left me alone in facing acantlados sure if I 1v1 with those civilizaicon uvieran not lasted more than 20 minutes was not level only thing that caught us by surprise and very boring aprtida when you do not fight face:)


Mensajes : 116
Puntos : 125
Reputación : -3
Fecha de inscripción : 04/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por Gatoda Vie 13 Ene 2012, 8:18 am

2 cosas. 1ero: kuro tu ingles es como las weas!!!! Razz, deja de usar traductor automático porque el resultado es penoso.
2do: porque dicen que los sioux necesitan tanto apoyo para ganar las peleas? o que su economia se drena rapido? WTF! es cierto que su economia es horrible pero lo que he sentido cuando he jugado con ellos es que se drenan muy pero muy sucede lo contrario es porque simplemente se estan spameando unidades sin tomar en cuenta lo que el oponente esta sacando o no se estan aprovechando de forma adecuada los bonos de los tipis y del jefe. Eso de que el portus le mande morteros constantemente, creo que es casi innecesario (aunque simpre bienvenido) ya que el sioux tiene una capacidad de destruir edificios practicamente OP, solo basta ver a un a un wakina (unidad que deberia ser malísima contra edificios)pegando 130!! de asedio con hoguera Shocked.


Mensajes : 11
Puntos : 13
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 05/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por hayabusa_ryu Vie 13 Ene 2012, 9:28 am

Gatoda, You're just considering the good points of Sioux. You statement is correct in theory but not practically. Try using Sioux against a very pro player, you will realize its weaknesses.Your opponent just don't sit back and let you destroy them. Sioux units are very weak without Teepees. You need to be very pro to utilize Sioux in true terms along with your partner who must be very good in multitasking.
If Sioux was that easy then everybody would have been using it. Sioux is a very hard civilization to play with or to partner with. And yes their Eco drain even if you loose a handful of units.

Mensajes : 37
Puntos : 45
Reputación : 0
Fecha de inscripción : 06/11/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por Kamikaze_Terrorista Vie 13 Ene 2012, 10:13 am


sioux has the problem of mortars... the enemy just need to sit back of his walls, in a defensive position, and sioux is dead. Cause of this u need a partner constantly suportgin u with mortar and walls ..

Mensajes : 188
Puntos : 249
Reputación : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 14/06/2011

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

Mensaje por EliteJose Vie 13 Ene 2012, 12:20 pm

lol kuro mejor deberias escribir en español al menos asi algunos entendemos 21. me hizo gracia la traduccion de Zapata por "shoe" 21

Mensajes : 280
Puntos : 365
Reputación : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 12/06/2011
Edad : 30
Localización : Costa Rica

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2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don  Empty Re: 2 HORAS PURE ACTION GAME Apocalypto &Kurosaki vs Ninja & Don

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